Cedar County Fair

4H & FFA Information

Though typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization as a result of its history, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering and technology programs.

Cedar County 4-H - Information

The 4-H motto is “To make the best better”, while the slogan is “Learn by doing”.

4-H is a global network of youth organizations whose mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development”. In the United States, the organization is administered by the USDA through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.  4-H organizations exist in over 50 countries and the organization and administration varies from country to country and county to county.

The 4-H name represents four personal development areas of focus for the organization:  head, heart, hands, and health.  The organization has over 6.5 million members in the United States, in approximately 90,000 clubs.  The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach.  Though typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization as a result of its history, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering and technology programs.

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Cedar County 4-H - Clubs

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Cedar County Horse & Pony Club

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Inland 4-H

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Cedar County Shooting Stars

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New Horizons

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Springdale Wildcats

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Sugar Creek Challengers

Cedar County FFA - Information


FFA was founded by a group of young farmers back in 1928. Their mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. They taught us that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting– it’s a science, it’s a business and it’s an art.

FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those challenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of career pathways.

So today, FFA members are still the Future Farmers of America. But, they are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too.

To learn more about FFA, visit

Cedar County FFA - Chapters

Cedar County FFA - Alumni Chapters

Iowa State University Extension & Outreach - Cedar County

As your front door to Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, there is a reason we do what we do:  We want a strong Iowa.  That is why we provide research information as we partner with Iowans and harness the resources of our university for communities and farmers to thrive, for families and children to be healthy, and eventually to turn the world over to the next generation better than we found it.  We are your access to information and services to improve the quality of life in your community.  Because a strong Iowa is what we all want.

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