The 2025 Cedar County Fair would not be possible without your help, so thank YOU for being a part of our fair family! Sign up today to become a member of the Cedar County Fair Association.
The fair would not possible with out the volunteers that make up our board of directors. We are always looking for people to join us with new ideas. If you are interested in running for a four-year fair board term, please fill out the interest link below. Forms are due by Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Every year the fair takes an enormous amount of volunteer help, which means we need people like you! If you have an area you are interested in helping with, if you have a lot of time or a little of time, whether you are active in current fair activities or not, we can find a spot for you? From carnival wristband sales, to beer tent support, free contest setup or support, general clean up or so much more we can find a spot for you to help! Contact us today to support your fair with your time.
It’s all about being a part of something you are proud of, something that has been a part of your life/family/friendships, and wanting to be more involved.
We would like to invite you to join the Cedar County Fair Association. Please read the qualifications and download the form or fill out the digital form below.
Per Section 3.1 of the Bylaws: Admission of members: Any person, who is of legal age, who consents to be a member of this corporation, who has paid the membership dues in the amount of $50.00 prior to the record date, and with the existing members approval will be admitted as a member of the corporation. The membership dues of $50.00 paid, allows the member to have a membership in the corporation for life, unless they resign, or their membership is suspended or terminated. Members may purchase two (2) memberships, maximum.
Per Section 3.3 of the Bylaws: Voting rights of the members: Each member has one vote per membership.
Per Section 3.4 of the Bylaws: Transfers: Memberships are not transferable or assignable or any right arising therefrom.
Per Section 3.5 of the Bylaws: Members liability: Members of the corporation are not liable for the acts, debts, liabilities, or obligations of the corporation.
Download the application, fill it out and include payment, and mail into the office by October 15. You may also use the digital form below to submit your application for membership. Applicants will be voted upon at the annual meeting on the first Sunday in November to become a member of the Cedar County Fair Association.
You must be 18 years of age or older.
Pay the $50.00 one time/lifetime membership fee. A check, cash or credit card payment must accompany the application. Members may purchase two (2) memberships, maximum.
Voting Rights:
You will receive an invitation to the Annual Meeting. Each member has one vote per membership.
We are proud to be able to provide venues and facilities for your events. Check out our available buildings and reserve a space for your next gathering!
Contributions from partners help make our fair possible. Sign up today to partner with The Cedar County Fair.
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