The 2025 Cedar County Fairgrounds


Floral Hall is the most iconic building on The Cedar County Fairgrounds. We are proud to be able to provide this space and The Mathews Building for the public to rent and host events in. Contact the Fair Board for pricing info for Youth/Non-Profit Pricing.

Rental Facilities We Offer

The Grove

Measurements: 60’ x 96’, 5700 square feet

  • Restrooms
  • 40 – 8 ft. tables
  • 40– 6 ft. tables
  • Approx. 480 chairs
  • 6 – 60” round seating tables
  • 8 pub-style tables
  • Kitchenette
  • Bar area

Occupancy Max: 450

Measurements: Octagon building, 4500 square feet.

Occupancy Max: 250

Other Areas Of The Fairgrounds

Includes: electricity (water available)

South Cattle Barn: Measurements: 60 X 148, 144 stalls

North Cattle Barn: Measurements: 54 x 122, 128 stalls

Swine Barn: Measurements: North – 108 x 40, 72 pens / South – 100 x 40, 62 pens

Sheep Barn: Measurements: 26 X 110, 34 pens

Dairy Barn: Measurements: 28 X 82

Cattle Arena: Measurements: 72 x 100

Swine Arena: Measurements: 64 x 40

Horse Arena: Measurements: 110 x 230


Non-Event Camping

35 Spots, with 35/50 Amp service available.

This camping is for times other than Fair Week, Spring Fling, and Fall Bash. 

Venue Rental Information

Attention Licensees - Important Information

Floral Hall & Mathews Building Reservation

Available: Thursday 5pm - Sunday 5pm
+ $165/day refundable damage deposit*

Reserve Floral Hall, the Mathews Building, and the Grove for an entire weekend or a single day! We allow entry on Thursday night before the weekend of the event if you reserve the whole weekend so you can decorate, set up, and get ready! We also offer an early entry fee of $50 if you need to come in on Wednesday night before the event.

*Damage deposits are refundable, based on a post event cleaning inspection. If the cleaning guidelines are not completed in full, and the buildings and grounds are not left as they are found, the damage deposit will be kept in full, to allow for extra cleaning services and supplies. Pictures will be taken where “proof” is necessary and you will not be contacted for a second chance to clean.


Required fields are followed by *

Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Floral Hall, Mathews Building & Grove - Weekend Package is available for selected dates.

Prices start at:

All Animal Building Reservation

Available: Thursday 5pm - Sunday 5pm
+ $300 refundable damage deposit*

Insert Info about Animal Buildings Available

*Damage deposits are refundable, based on a post event cleaning inspection. If the cleaning guidelines are not completed in full, and the buildings and grounds are not left as they are found, the damage deposit will be kept in full, to allow for extra cleaning services and supplies. Pictures will be taken where “proof” is necessary and you will not be contacted for a second chance to clean.



Required fields are followed by *

Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

All Animal Buildings is available for selected dates.

Prices start at:

Horse Arena Reservation

Available: Thursday 5pm - Sunday 5pm
+ $100 refundable damage deposit*

Insert info about Horse Arena

*Damage deposits are refundable, based on a post event cleaning inspection. If the cleaning guidelines are not completed in full, and the buildings and grounds are not left as they are found, the damage deposit will be kept in full, to allow for extra cleaning services and supplies. Pictures will be taken where “proof” is necessary and you will not be contacted for a second chance to clean.


Required fields are followed by *

Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Horse Arena is available for selected dates.

Prices start at:

Custom Builders Pavillion Reservation

Available: Thursday 5pm - Sunday 5pm
+ $150 refundable damage deposit*

Insert size of building & stage.

*Damage deposits are refundable, based on a post event cleaning inspection. If the cleaning guidelines are not completed in full, and the buildings and grounds are not left as they are found, the damage deposit will be kept in full, to allow for extra cleaning services and supplies. Pictures will be taken where “proof” is necessary and you will not be contacted for a second chance to clean.


Required fields are followed by *

Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Custom Builders Pavillion is available for selected dates.

Prices start at:

Rental Agreement

The Cedar County Fairgrounds and buildings are to be maintained by those renting the site. Renters agree to comply with the rules and regulations listed below. Failure to do so will result in non-reimbursement of the entire damage deposit. Report suspected damage to the Cedar County Fair Association prior to your event, otherwise, any unreported damage is assumed to be the renter’s responsibility.

  1. No smoking or vaping in any building
  2. No pets allowed inside Mathews Building and Floral Hall with the exception of service animals
  3. Do not cover lighted Exit signs
  4. Doors must remain closed unless loading and unloading if heat or air is in use in Mathews Building
  5. NO tape/nails/tacks/staples to be used on walls, tables, doors, or floors
  6. All laws must be obeyed – concessions, permits, health codes, fire code, etc
  7. NO open fires. NO open flame, includes campfires and candles.
  8. Failure to comply will results in retention of the entire damage deposit.

Report suspected damage to the Cedar County Fair Association prior to your event, otherwise, any unreported damage is assumed to be the renter’s responsibility. 

Mathews Building & Floral Hall

Cleaning supplies are found in the storage room.  Mops, buckets, and brooms can be found in the furnace room.

  • Remove all decorations.
  • Wipe/Wash all counters and bar tops.
  • Clean all sinks of any debris.
  • Remove all items from, and wipe out Pepsi coolers.
  • Dry mop all floors, then wet mop all floors (Mops, Buckets, and Supplies furnished)
  • Empty all trash into the dumpster.
  • Leave all wet/dirty towels in the provided laundry basket.
  • All tables and chairs must be wiped clean and dry (Even if table coverings are used) before they are returned to the storage room, on their carts, per instructions as posted (do not block doors).
  • Any marks and splatters on the walls must be wiped clean.
  • Put all emptied trash cans back where you found them.
  • All recyclable cans/bottles must be removed from the building.
  • All light switches must be shut completely off except for the exterior security lights.
  • In Floral Hall, make sure all the doors are latched from the inside (where applicable) prior to locking the building.
  • Any trash outside and around the buildings and parking areas must be picked up and thrown away.
  • Pick up all outdoor signage


All Restrooms

If any additional supplies are needed during an event, they can be found in the specified area of your rental.

  • Wipe all counters clean and walls if necessary (including stall walls)
  • Clean sinks of any debris.
  • Dry mop, including inside individual stalls, then wet mop floor (Mops, Buckets, and Supplies furnished).
  • Empty all trash into the dumpster, including personal trash cans.
  • All stools and urinals must be flushed, and wiped of any “debris”.
  • All faucets are to be shut off.
  • All light switches must be shut off


Outdoor Buildings/Arenas

  • Clean up all surrounding areas.
  • *Livestock includes: bedding, manure, and other debris/trash inside and outside of the barns and parking areas
  • Remove all decorations
  • Pick up all outdoor signage and trash.



Definition of rentals: (set up and clean up included in rental period)
● 4 Day Weekend: Thursday at 8 AM until Sunday at 5 PM
● 1 Day Weekend: 8 AM until Midnight
● Weekday Rate: Contact Fair board at 563-886-6170
● Entire fairgrounds is able to be rented; contact Fair board at 563-886-6170

Venue Rental Inquiry

Licensee Name(Required)
Person to Receive Billing Information(Required)
Billing Address(Required)

Secondary Contact


Venue Selection

Venues - select all that apply(Required)
Desired Rental Days -select all that apply(Required)
Please give a short description of the event that you would like to host.

Rental Guidelines

The Licensee shall maintain all buildings, trees, shrubbery, flower gardens, and fencing in the same condition it was viewed at time of rental. All expenses for cleaning or repair will be paid for by Licensee. The Cedar County Fair Association shall have the right of utilizing the premises by leasing the same day to any other group so long as the same is not inconsistent with the program of activities that have been approved by the Licensee. The Cedar County Fair Association is to be held blameless in the event of injury or accident and/or in the event of a building destruction caused by an act of God while this agreement is in force. The License is not a continuous License, and any improvements made by the Licensee shall become property of the Cedar County Fair Association. I have read the above terms and conditions and agree to all conditions listed on page one and two of this contract. I have reviewed and agree to the Rental Payment Agreement, Rental Guidelines, Cleaning Guidelines, and Privacy Policies.
NOTE: The Licensee shall NOT sublet or License the premises to any other person or party without written consent from the Cedar County Fair Association.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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